Source code for properties.base.base

""" HasProperties class and metaclass"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import OrderedDict
from warnings import warn

from six import iteritems, itervalues, PY2, string_types, with_metaclass

from .. import basic
from .. import handlers
from .. import utils

if PY2:
    from types import ClassType                                                #pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
    CLASS_TYPES = (type, ClassType)
    CLASS_TYPES = (type,)

GENERIC_ERRORS = (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError)

class PropertyMetaclass(type):
    """Metaclass to establish behavior of **HasProperties** classes

    On class construction:

    * Build Property dictionary from the class dictionary and the base
      classes' Properties.
    * Build listener dictionaries from class dictionary and the base
      classes' listeners.
    * Check Property names are not private.
    * Ensure the Property names referred to by
      :ref:`Renamed Properties <renamed>` and
      handlers are valid.
    * Build class docstring.
    * Construct default value dictionary, and check that any provided
      defaults are valid.
    * Add the class to the **HasProperties** :code:`_REGISTRY` or the
      closest parent class with a new registry defined

    On class instantiation:

    * Initialize private backend dictionary where Property values are stored.
    * Initialize private listener dictionary and set the listeners on the
      class instance.
    * Set all the default values on the class without firing change

    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict):                                  #pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches, too-many-statements

        # Grab all the properties, observers, and validators
        prop_dict = {
            key: value for key, value in classdict.items()
            if isinstance(value, basic.GettableProperty)
        observer_dict = {
            key: value for key, value in classdict.items()
            if isinstance(value, handlers.Observer)
        validator_dict = {
            key: value for key, value in classdict.items()
            if isinstance(value, handlers.ClassValidator)

        # Get pointers to all inherited properties, observers, and validators
        _props = dict()
        _prop_observers = OrderedDict()
        _class_validators = OrderedDict()
        for base in reversed(bases):
            if not all((hasattr(base, '_props'),
                        hasattr(base, '_prop_observers'),
                        hasattr(base, '_class_validators'))):
            for key, val in iteritems(base._props):
                if key not in prop_dict and key in classdict:
                _props.update({key: val})
            for key, val in iteritems(base._prop_observers):
                if key not in observer_dict and key in classdict:
                _prop_observers.update({key: val})
            for key, val in iteritems(base._class_validators):
                if key not in validator_dict and key in classdict:
                _class_validators.update({key: val})

        # Overwrite with this class's properties

        # Save these to the class
        classdict['_props'] = _props
        classdict['_prop_observers'] = _prop_observers
        classdict['_class_validators'] = _class_validators

        # Ensure prop names are valid and overwrite properties with @property
        for key, prop in iteritems(prop_dict):
            if isinstance(prop, basic.Renamed) and prop.new_name not in _props:
                raise TypeError('Invalid new name for renamed property: '
   = key
            classdict[key] = prop.get_property()

        # Ensure observed names are valid
        for key, handler in iteritems(observer_dict):
            if handler.names is utils.everything:
            for prop in handler.names:
                if prop in _props and isinstance(_props[prop], basic.Property):
                raise TypeError('Observed name must be a mutable '
                                'property: {}'.format(prop))

        # Overwrite observers and validators with their function
        for key, handler in iteritems(observer_dict):
            classdict[key] = handler.func
            handler.func = key

        # Determine if private properties should be documented or just public
        _doc_private = False
        for base in reversed(bases):
            _doc_private = getattr(base, '_doc_private', _doc_private)
        _doc_private = classdict.get('_doc_private', _doc_private)

        if not isinstance(_doc_private, bool):
            raise AttributeError('_doc_private must be a boolean')

        if _doc_private:
            documented_props = sorted(_props)
            documented_props = sorted(p for p in _props if p[0] != '_')

        # Order the properties for the docs (default is alphabetical)
        _doc_order = None
        for base in reversed(bases):
            _doc_order = getattr(base, '_doc_order', _doc_order)
            if (
                    not isinstance(_doc_order, (list, tuple)) or
                    sorted(list(_doc_order)) != documented_props
                _doc_order = None
        _doc_order = classdict.get('_doc_order', _doc_order)
        if _doc_order is None:
            _doc_order = documented_props
        elif not isinstance(_doc_order, (list, tuple)):
            raise AttributeError(
                '_doc_order must be a list of property names'
        elif sorted(list(_doc_order)) != documented_props:
            raise AttributeError(
                '_doc_order must be unspecified or contain ALL property names'

        # Sort props into required, optional, and immutable
        doc_str = classdict.get('__doc__', '')
        req = [key for key in _doc_order
               if key[0] != '_' and getattr(_props[key], 'required', False)]
        opt = [key for key in _doc_order
               if key[0] != '_' and not getattr(_props[key], 'required', True)]
        imm = [key for key in _doc_order
               if key[0] != '_' and not hasattr(_props[key], 'required')]
        priv = [key for key in _doc_order
                if key[0] == '_']

        # Build the documentation based on above sorting
        if req:
            doc_str += '\n\n**Required Properties:**\n\n' + '\n'.join(
                ('* ' + _props[key].sphinx() for key in req)
        if opt:
            doc_str += '\n\n**Optional Properties:**\n\n' + '\n'.join(
                ('* ' + _props[key].sphinx() for key in opt)
        if imm:
            doc_str += '\n\n**Other Properties:**\n\n' + '\n'.join(
                ('* ' + _props[key].sphinx() for key in imm)
        if priv:
            doc_str += '\n\n**Private Properties:**\n\n' + '\n'.join(
                ('* ' + _props[key].sphinx() for key in priv)
        classdict['__doc__'] = doc_str

        # Create the new class
        newcls = super(PropertyMetaclass, mcs).__new__(
            mcs, name, bases, classdict

        # Update the class defaults to include inherited values
        _defaults = dict()
        for parent in reversed(newcls.__mro__):
            _defaults.update(getattr(parent, '_defaults', dict()))

        # Ensure defaults are valid and add them to the class
        for key, value in iteritems(_defaults):
            if key not in newcls._props:
                raise AttributeError(
                    "Default input '{}' is not a known property".format(key)
                if callable(value):
                    value = value()
                if value is utils.undefined:
                newcls._props[key].validate(None, value)
            except ValueError:
                raise AttributeError(
                    "Invalid default for property '{}'".format(key)
        newcls._defaults = _defaults

        # Save the class in the registry
        newcls._REGISTRY[name] = newcls

        return newcls

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Here additional instance setup happens here before init is called

        This allows subclasses of :code:`HasProperties` to override
        the init method without worrying about breaking setup.
        obj = cls.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
        object.__setattr__(obj, '_backend', dict())
        object.__setattr__(obj, '_listeners', dict())

        # Register the listeners
        for val in itervalues(obj._prop_observers):
            handlers._set_listener(obj, val)

        # Set the GettableProperties from defaults - these are only set here
        for key, prop in iteritems(obj._props):
            if not isinstance(prop, basic.Property):
                if key in obj._defaults:
                    val = obj._defaults[key]
                    val = prop.default
                if val is utils.undefined:
                if callable(val):
                    val = val()
                obj._backend[key] = prop.validate(obj, val)

        # Set the other defaults without triggering change notifications
        with handlers.listeners_disabled():
        obj.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        return obj

class HasProperties(with_metaclass(PropertyMetaclass, object)):
    """Base class to enable :ref:`property` behavior

    Classes that inherit **HasProperties** need simply to declare the
    Properties they need. **HasProperties** will save these Properties as
    :code:`_props` on the class. Property values will be saved to
    :code:`_backend` on the instance.

    **HasProperties** classes also store a registry of all
    **HasProperties** classes in as :code:`_REGISTRY`. If a subclass
    re-declares :code:`_REGISTRY`, the subsequent subclasses will be saved
    to this new registry.

    The :class:`PropertyMetaclass <properties.base.PropertyMetaclass>`
    contains more information about what goes into **HasProperties**
    class construction and validation.

    _defaults = dict()
    _REGISTRY = dict()

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # Set the keyword arguments with change notifications
        self._getting_validated = True
        self._validation_error_tuples = []
        self._non_validation_error = None
            for key, val in iteritems(kwargs):
                prop = self._props.get(key, None)
                if not prop and not hasattr(self, key):
                    raise AttributeError(
                        "Keyword input '{}' is not a known  property or "
                        "attribute of {}".format(key, self.__class__.__name__)
                if isinstance(prop, basic.DynamicProperty):
                    raise AttributeError(
                        "Dynamic property '{}' of {} cannot be set on "
                        "init".format(key, self.__class__.__name__)
                    setattr(self, key, val)
                except utils.ValidationError as val_err:
                    self._validation_error_tuples += val_err.error_tuples
                except GENERIC_ERRORS as err:
                    if not self._non_validation_error:
                        self._non_validation_error = err
            if self._validation_error_tuples:
                msgs = ['Initialization failed:']
                msgs += [val.message for val in self._validation_error_tuples]
                raise utils.ValidationError(
                    message='\n- '.join(msgs),
            elif self._non_validation_error:
                raise self._non_validation_error                               #pylint: disable=raising-bad-type
            self._getting_validated = False
            self._validation_error_tuples = None
            self._non_validation_error = None

    def _get(self, name):
        return self._backend.get(name, None)

    def _notify(self, change):
        listeners = handlers._get_listeners(self, change)
        for listener in listeners:
            if isinstance(listener.func, string_types):
                getattr(self, listener.func)(change)
                listener.func(self, change)

    def _set(self, name, value):
        prev = self._backend.get(name, utils.undefined)
        change = dict(name=name, previous=prev, value=value, mode='validate')
        if change['value'] is utils.undefined:
            self._backend.pop(name, None)
            self._backend[name] = change['value']
        if prev is utils.undefined and change['value'] is utils.undefined:
                prev is utils.undefined or
                change['value'] is utils.undefined or
                not self._props[name].equal(prev, change['value'])
            change.update(name=name, previous=prev, mode='observe_change')
        change.update(name=name, previous=prev, mode='observe_set')

    def _reset(self, name=None):
        """Revert specified property to default value

        If no property is specified, all properties are returned to default.
        if name is None:
            for key in self._props:
                if isinstance(self._props[key], basic.Property):
        if name not in self._props:
            raise AttributeError("Input name '{}' is not a known "
                                 "property or attribute".format(name))
        if not isinstance(self._props[name], basic.Property):
            raise AttributeError("Cannot reset GettableProperty "
        if name in self._defaults:
            val = self._defaults[name]
            val = self._props[name].default
        if callable(val):
            val = val()
        setattr(self, name, val)

    def validate(self):
        """Call all registered class validator methods

        These are all methods decorated with :code:`@properties.validator`.
        Validator methods are expected to raise a ValidationError if they
        if getattr(self, '_getting_validated', False):
            return True
        self._getting_validated = True
        self._validation_error_tuples = []
        self._non_validation_error = None
            for val in itervalues(self._class_validators):
                    if isinstance(val.func, string_types):
                        valid = getattr(self, val.func)()
                        valid = val.func(self)
                    if valid is False:
                        raise utils.ValidationError(
                            'Validation failed', None, None, self
                except utils.ValidationError as val_err:
                    self._validation_error_tuples += val_err.error_tuples
                except GENERIC_ERRORS as err:
                    if not self._non_validation_error:
                        self._non_validation_error = err
            if self._validation_error_tuples:
                msgs = ['Validation failed:']
                msgs += [val.message for val in self._validation_error_tuples]
                raise utils.ValidationError(
                    message='\n- '.join(msgs),
            elif self._non_validation_error:
                raise self._non_validation_error                               #pylint: disable=raising-bad-type
            return True
            self._getting_validated = False
            self._validation_error_tuples = None
            self._non_validation_error = None

    def _validate_props(self):
        """Assert that all the properties are valid on validate()"""
        for key, prop in iteritems(self._props):
                value = self._get(key)
                err_msg = 'Invalid value for property {}: {}'.format(key, value)
                if value is not None:
                    change = dict(name=key, previous=value, value=value,
                    if not prop.equal(value, change['value']):
                        raise utils.ValidationError(err_msg, 'invalid',
                                          , self)
                if not prop.assert_valid(self):
                    raise utils.ValidationError(err_msg, 'invalid',
                                      , self)
            except utils.ValidationError as val_err:
                if getattr(self, '_validation_error_tuples', None) is not None:
                    self._validation_error_tuples += val_err.error_tuples
        return True

    def _error_hook(self, error_tuples):
        """Method called when property validation fails

        This allows HasProperties classes to customize how the
        validation error is handled.

    def serialize(self, include_class=True, save_dynamic=False, **kwargs):
        """Serializes a **HasProperties** instance to dictionary

        This uses the Property serializers to serialize all Property values
        to a JSON-compatible dictionary. Properties that are undefined are
        not included. If the **HasProperties** instance contains a reference
        to itself, a :code:`properties.SelfReferenceError` will be raised.


        * **include_class** - If True (the default), the name of the class
          will also be saved to the serialized dictionary under key
        * **save_dynamic** - If True, dynamic properties are written to
          the serialized dict (default: False).
        * Any other keyword arguments will be passed through to the Property
        if getattr(self, '_getting_serialized', False):
            raise utils.SelfReferenceError('Object contains unserializable '
                                           'self reference')
        self._getting_serialized = True
                'include_class': include_class,
                'save_dynamic': save_dynamic
            if save_dynamic:
                prop_source = self._props
                prop_source = self._backend
            data = (
                (key, self._props[key].serialize(getattr(self, key), **kwargs))
                for key in prop_source
            json_dict = {k: v for k, v in data if v is not None}
            if include_class:
                json_dict.update({'__class__': self.__class__.__name__})
            return json_dict
            self._getting_serialized = False

    def deserialize(cls, value, trusted=False, strict=False,                   #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
                    assert_valid=False, **kwargs):
        """Creates **HasProperties** instance from serialized dictionary

        This uses the Property deserializers to deserialize all
        JSON-compatible dictionary values into their corresponding Property
        values on a new instance of a **HasProperties** class. Extra keys
        in the dictionary that do not correspond to Properties will be


        * **value** - Dictionary to deserialize new instance from.
        * **trusted** - If True (and if the input dictionary has
          :code:`'__class__'` keyword and this class is in the registry), the
          new **HasProperties** class will come from the dictionary.
          If False (the default), only the **HasProperties** class this
          method is called on will be constructed.
        * **strict** - Requires :code:`'__class__'`, if present on the input
          dictionary, to match the deserialized instance's class. Also
          disallows unused properties in the input dictionary. Default
          is False.
        * **assert_valid** - Require deserialized instance to be valid.
          Default is False.
        * Any other keyword arguments will be passed through to the Property
        if not isinstance(value, dict):
            raise ValueError(
                'HasProperties class {} must deserialize from dictionary, '
                'not input of type {}'.format(
                    cls.__name__, value.__class__.__name__
        output_cls = cls._deserialize_class(
        instance = kwargs.pop('_instance', None)
        if instance is not None and not isinstance(instance, output_cls):
            raise ValueError(
                'Input _instance must be of class {}, not {}'.format(
                    output_cls.__name__, instance.__class__.__name__
        state, unused = utils.filter_props(output_cls, value, True)
        unused.pop('__class__', None)
        if unused and strict:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unused properties during deserialization: {}'.format(
                    ', '.join(unused)
        kwargs.update({'trusted': trusted, 'strict': strict})
        newstate = {}
        for key, val in iteritems(state):
            newstate[key] = output_cls._props[key].deserialize(val, **kwargs)
        mutable, immutable = utils.filter_props(output_cls, newstate, False)
        with handlers.listeners_disabled():
            if instance is None:
                instance = output_cls(**mutable)
                for key, val in iteritems(mutable):
                    setattr(instance, key, val)
        for key, val in iteritems(immutable):
            valid_val = output_cls._props[key].validate(instance, val)
            instance._backend[key] = valid_val
        if assert_valid and not instance.validate():
            raise utils.ValidationError('Deserialized instance is not valid')
        return instance

    def _deserialize_class(cls, input_cls_name, trusted, strict):
        """Returns the HasProperties class to use for deserialization"""
        if not input_cls_name or input_cls_name == cls.__name__:
            return cls
        if trusted and input_cls_name in cls._REGISTRY:
            return cls._REGISTRY[input_cls_name]
        if strict:
            raise ValueError(
                'Class name {} from deserialization input dictionary does '
                'not match input class {}'.format(input_cls_name, cls.__name__)
        return cls

    def equal(self, other):
        """Determine if two **HasProperties** instances are equivalent

        Equivalence is determined by checking if all Property values on
        two instances are equal, using :code:`Property.equal`.
        warn('HasProperties.equal has been deprecated in favor of '
             'properties.equal and will be removed in the next release',
        return equal(self, other)

def equal(value_a, value_b):
    """Determine if two **HasProperties** instances are equivalent

    Equivalence is determined by checking if (1) the two instances are
    the same class and (2) all Property values on two instances are
    equal, using :code:`Property.equal`. If the two values are the same
    HasProperties instance (eg. :code:`value_a is value_b`) this method
    returns True. Finally, if either value is not a HasProperties
    instance, equality is simply checked with ==.

    .. note::

        HasProperties objects with recursive self-references will not
        evaluate to equal, even if their property values and structure
        are equivalent.
    if (
            not isinstance(value_a, HasProperties) or
            not isinstance(value_b, HasProperties)
        return value_a == value_b
    if getattr(value_a, '_testing_equality', False):
        return False
    value_a._testing_equality = True                                           #pylint: disable=protected-access
        if value_a is value_b:
            return True
        if value_a.__class__ is not value_b.__class__:
            return False
        for prop in itervalues(value_a._props):
            prop_a = getattr(value_a,
            prop_b = getattr(value_b,
            if prop_a is None and prop_b is None:
            if (
                    prop_a is not None and
                    prop_b is not None and
                    prop.equal(prop_a, prop_b)
            return False
        return True
        value_a._testing_equality = False                                      #pylint: disable=protected-access

def copy(value, **kwargs):
    """Return a copy of a **HasProperties** instance

    A copy is produced by serializing the HasProperties instance then
    deserializing it to a new instance. Therefore, if any properties
    cannot be serialized/deserialized, :code:`copy` will fail. Any
    keyword arguments will be passed through to both :code:`serialize`
    and :code:`deserialize`.

    if not isinstance(value, HasProperties):
        raise ValueError('properties.copy may only be used to copy'
                         'HasProperties instances')
    kwargs.update({'include_class': kwargs.get('include_class', True)})
    kwargs.update({'trusted': kwargs.get('trusted', True)})
    return value.__class__.deserialize(value.serialize(**kwargs), **kwargs)