Source code for pymatsolver.solvers

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
import properties
import warnings

[docs]class Base(properties.HasProperties): check_accuracy = properties.Bool( "check the accuracy of the solve?", default = False ) accuracy_tol = properties.Float( "tolerance on the accuracy of the solver", default=1e-6 ) def __init__(self, A): self.A = A.tocsr()
[docs] def set_kwargs(self, ignore=None, **kwargs): """ Sets key word arguments (kwargs) that are present in the object, throw a warning if they don't exist. """ if ignore is None: ignore = [] for attr in kwargs: if attr in ignore: continue if hasattr(self, attr): setattr(self, attr, kwargs[attr]) else: warnings.warn('{0!s} attr is not recognized and will be unused'.format(attr))
@property def _transposeClass(self): return self.__class__ @property def T(self): if self._transposeClass is None: raise Exception( 'The transpose for the {} class is not possible.'.format( self.__name__ ) ) newS = self._transposeClass(self.A.T) return newS def _compute_accuracy(self, rhs, x): nrm = np.linalg.norm(np.ravel(self.A*x - rhs), np.inf) nrm_rhs = np.linalg.norm(np.ravel(rhs), np.inf) if nrm_rhs > 0: nrm /= nrm_rhs if nrm > self.accuracy_tol: msg = 'Accuracy on solve is above tolerance: {0:e} > {1:e}'.format( nrm, self.accuracy_tol ) raise Exception(msg) def _solve(self, rhs): n = self.A.shape[0] assert rhs.size % n == 0, 'Incorrect shape of rhs.' nrhs = rhs.size // n if len(rhs.shape) == 1 or rhs.shape[1] == 1: x = self._solve1(rhs) else: x = self._solveM(rhs) if self.check_accuracy: self._compute_accuracy(rhs, x) if nrhs == 1: return x.flatten() elif nrhs > 1: return x.reshape((n, nrhs), order='F')
[docs] def clean(self): pass
def __del__(self): """Destruct to call clean when object is garbage collected.""" try: self.clean() except: pass def __mul__(self, val): if type(val) is np.ndarray: return self._solve(val) raise TypeError('Can only multiply by a numpy array.') @property def is_real(self): return self.A.dtype == float @property def is_symmetric(self): return getattr(self, '_is_symmetric', False) @is_symmetric.setter def is_symmetric(self, value): self._is_symmetric = value @property def is_hermitian(self): if self.is_real and self.is_symmetric: return True else: return getattr(self, '_is_hermitian', False) @is_hermitian.setter def is_hermitian(self, value): self._is_hermitian = value @property def is_positive_definite(self): return getattr(self, '_is_positive_definite', False) @is_positive_definite.setter def is_positive_definite(self, value): self._is_positive_definite = value
[docs]class Diagonal(Base): _transposeClass = None def __init__(self, A): self.A = A self._diagonal = A.diagonal() def _solve1(self, rhs): return rhs.flatten()/self._diagonal def _solveM(self, rhs): n = self.A.shape[0] nrhs = rhs.size // n return rhs/self._diagonal.repeat(nrhs).reshape((n, nrhs))
[docs]class Forward(Base): _transposeClass = None def __init__(self, A): self.A = A.tocsr() def _solveM(self, rhs): vals = rowptr = self.A.indptr colind = self.A.indices x = np.empty_like(rhs) for i in range(self.A.shape[0]): ith_row = vals[rowptr[i]:rowptr[i+1]] cols = colind[rowptr[i]:rowptr[i+1]] x_vals = x[cols] x[i] = (rhs[i] -[:-1], x_vals[:-1])) / ith_row[-1] return x _solve1 = _solveM
[docs]class Backward(Base): _transposeClass = None def __init__(self, A): self.A = A.tocsr() def _solveM(self, rhs): vals = rowptr = self.A.indptr colind = self.A.indices x = np.empty_like(rhs) for i in reversed(range(self.A.shape[0])): ith_row = vals[rowptr[i]:rowptr[i+1]] cols = colind[rowptr[i]:rowptr[i+1]] x_vals = x[cols] x[i] = (rhs[i] -[1:], x_vals[1:])) / ith_row[0] return x _solve1 = _solveM